20 January 2008

Herbal Cleaning Recipes

Today I have a VERY easy way to make an herb vinegar
that you can use in cleaning around the house, garage
or basement. Experiment with the herbs listed until you
come up with your favorite blend!

You'll need a large jar that has been cleaned and has a lid.
(I find plastic lids work best. If they have metal on, place a
double layer of plastic wrap over the jar opening before putting
on the lid. The vinegar corrodes it a little bit as it "brews". If
you have an old gallon sun tea jar you can make a lot of this
at once!

Fill the far with the leaves, stems or flowers of one or more of
the following herbs:


Pour white or cider vinegar over the herbs to fill the jar. Cover
and place on the lid. Put in a cupboard or somewhere else out
of the way and steep it for 6 weeks. Strain when finished. You
can then use it in recipes that call for vinegar to clean. Such
as this one:

Sink and Tub Cleaner

You'll need:
1/2 cup baking soda
1/8 cup herb vinegar

Mix together in a pail or bowl. Scrub your sinks for about
5 minutes (or the tub), rinse off with warm water. Wipe
dry with a soft rag.

Floor Cleaner

You'll need:
1/2 cup herb vinegar
1 gallon of water

Mix in a pail and mop as usual.

Glass Cleaner

You'll need:
1 quart water
1/2 cup herb vinegar
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice or 5 drops lemon essential oil

Mix in a spray bottle and use on windows.

Linoleum Cleaner

You'll need:
1 cup herb vinegar
2 gallons water

Mix in a pail and mop as usual.

To clean hair brushes and combs: Mix 2 tablespoons
borax with a quart of the herb vinegar and mix well.
Soak, clean and rinse brushes and combs. You can
also use on china and crystal.

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