10 March 2008

Create Your Own Reality

Adapted from Power, Freedom, and Grace by Deepak Chopra (Amber-Allen Publishing, 2006).

Our senses tell us that events happen within space and time. There is a past, present and future, and the world operates through linear cause-effect relationships. I have to walk from here to there, from one location to another. This causes a timeline to appear.

That is how our senses experience the world, but in fact the world is not like that. The world is synchronistic, it's coincidental, it's happening simultaneously. Infinite possibilities coexist at the same time. Everything is happening all at once, and everything is correlated and instantly synchronized with everything else. This simultaneity can only happen through what is called infinite correlation. Infinite correlation is the ability to do an infinite number of things and correlate them with one another at the same time.

SIMPLE SOLUTION: Physicists no longer use the word time; they use the term space-time continuum because they know that time is a relative phenomenon; it's not absolute. The movement of planet Earth spinning on its axis and hurling around the sun at thousands of miles per hour creates our experience of time. But time is an illusion; it's an internal dialogue we use to explain our experience or perception of change and relationship.

How does all of this apply to us? Well, the way we interpret the concept of time—how we metabolize our experience of time—brings about distinct physiological changes in the body-mind.

In the present, you can experience the past; in the present, you can anticipate the future. But if you can stay in the present, if you can be with the present, then even the physical changes that normally occur with the passage of time will not occur in your body. There is a saying from a Vedic master: "The only reason people grow old and die is that they see other people growing old and dying."

1 comment:

Gimanian said...

So, would "staying in the present" essentially mean you stopped time because by staying in the present everything couldn't happen simultaneously?